“Dialogue of Civilizations. Time of Friendship, preserving traditions"
The Time has come, the Age of Change has arrived: the power of the scales has tilted towards the forces of Good! I always counted on this. I have always known and believed that the work of the Leader of Change would interest people of good will, that it would attract not only ordinary citizens and businessmen, but also employees of numerous government agencies on both sides. For now I have colleagues and our voice has begun to sound louder, tirelessly repeating: You are the generators of wonderful achievements! Join the movement of Those Leaping Ahead: Together to New Heights!

By Super User
Fifth BRICS summit in South Africa: strengthening solidarity and rapprochement with ...
There is no translation available. Participants in the meeting of BRICS leaders: Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Zuma, President of ...
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By Super User
On May 9th, 2017 the Novosokolniki’s Citizens celebrated the 72 nd anniversary of the ...
There is no translation available. Many events were devoted to this memorable date, including educational meetings in schools and other institutions of Novosokolnicheskiy district, patriotic actions, Memory Watch, reburial of warrior remains, ...
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